Posts Tagged ‘zodiac’

I came as a Pisces

Posted: January 15, 2011 in Uncategorized
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By now I’m sure you’ve all heard of the hoopla that almost everyone’s Zodiac sign has changed.   For more info, check the story.  Now I’ve never put much stock into astrology.  As Kathy Bates one poignantly remarked “Now Bobby, astrology is just one of the many works of the devil.”  I’ve always thought of horoscopes as something people read and then try really hard to interpret (or twist) the happenings of their daily lives they read in front of them.  It’s easy to be influenced by your horoscope.  Here’s an example…

Yesterday, my horoscope (as a Pisces) read:

You are eager to discuss your thoughts and plans with others at this time and you may have a very fruitful brainstorming session, a spirited debate, or a very active meeting with others in which things really get accomplished. You are verbally assertive and can present your own plan or idea quite convincingly.

So I think to myself: Hey I had a productive manager meeting today.  I contributed to the group more than I normally I do.  Hell, I was actively participating in the conversation, and I never do that.  Touché horoscope.

However, like most of you, my sign recently changed from Pisces to Aquarius.  I’ll get more into this later.  Here is what my Aquarius horoscope for yesterday read:

This is a very good time to go to the theater, an art exhibit, or social gathering. You want to see beautiful things and exchange pleasantries with others. In fact, matters of the heart are on your mind and you may want to play matchmaker now.

And what did I do last night?  I engaged in a social gathering of sorts (I brought my brother to dinner with my girlfriend and I).  This is a seldom occurrence at best.  And I had a good time.  Inexplicably, I felt the need to bring him out with us.  We went to the new chic Japanese steakhouse the just opened up in town.  It was great.  Although…I didn’t get to play match maker…though after going out with us, I wanted to see my brother have a girlfriend…

See what I mean? Daily horoscopes can be skewed to fit Zodiac signs.  And your probably asking yourself “If this is how you feel, then why the heck are you writing about astrology ad nauseam?”  Well, I’m getting to that.  You see, I actually do believe in the Zodiac signs…in terms of personality.  Now we move onto this business of the changing symbols.

Most people who know me well, know that I am the typical Pisces.  To put it briefly, I am the overtly sensitive romantic who is deeply devoted, compassionate and imaginative.  I can also be a self-pitying, lazy escapist.  For more on my astrological foibles, click here.

This new sign Ophiuchus (which is impossible to pronounce), has thrown everything into question.  It has displaced many people out of their designated signs (including me).  Although born a Pisces, I have now been annointed an Aquarius.  I figure, one of my bestfriends is an Aquarius, this must be ok.  It was.

Once I heard word of this zodiac shuffle, I hurriedly went to see what these Aquarius’ (aquarii?) were all about.  It turns out it’s pretty nice and at times, congruent with my lifestyle.   I am a humanitarian (though perhaps not modest in saying so), inventive and sometimes, aloof.  I can be sort of a gadget-head at times and I am constantly looking for ways to make things better (at least at my job).   After reading this, I felt a lot better about my conversion.

I did notice one things about the new zodiac zones.  I was born on March 10th.  The new Pisces zone begins on March 11th.  The conclusion I came to is that although I have relocated to the Aquarius zone and share some traits, I am still a Pisces at heart.  Since I was born on the cusp of the two zones, you could call me a zodiac hybrid, mutt or half-blood.  In short, I am a Piquarius.  Don’t worry.  I’m still the over-sensitive, head in the clouds, fool.  However, now I can add a new trait to that list:  humanitarian.  Peace. -M